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Brainflow – Drawings by Marie Joxe
Marie Joxe’s drawings feel like the representation of her inner flow, the union between he ink trace, le mouvement and spirit.
Her practice creates a cartography of her inner landscapes.
Marie starts with a point and mouvement follows her flow with delicate precision creating a turbulence of texture and motifs.
She works with simple materials like ink, brush and paper and this helps her find the right mindset to concentrate on mouvement outside of intentions.
Every trace represents a second, an instant on paper. Marie’s drawing practice is close to meditation, presence to the present moment, no past and no future.
« I draw like I breathe … to live in the present.»
Marie Joxe, July 2017
Drawings exhibition by Marie Joxe
From July 08 to 20 ,2017
Opening: Sunday, july 09th from 9pm